Thank you for visiting.

Hello, my name is Othen Donald Dale Cummings. My mother had a disabling stroke a few years ago. I began care-giving for mom and we started doing art and writing projects together.
We call these projects "A Pet Banana Production" and they have given my mother hours of joy during her recovery.
This blog is a collection of these projects and also some random stuff we enjoy sharing. We have self published many of the stories and poetry I have written for and with my mother and would love for you to check them out!
Thank you and if you buy one of our books it is very appreciated because every sale helps us immensely!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Red Bird Blue Bird

Red bird Blue bird,
Sitting in a tree,
Singing their songs,
So nicely to me,

Red Robin Blue Jay
How do you do,
Puff up fluff up,
Around me they flew,

Tiny bird Brown bird,
So pretty to me,
Huffing their chests,
Flying so free,

How do you do,
One buzzes around,
And the other mimics sound,

In the breeze of spring,
When the trees are full,
I sit on my swing,
Just to hear them sing!

By O. D. D. Cummings

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